What if I Told You That Science Says Low Carb Diets Suck…?
….for fat loss (← key point to add to that statement).
Ok look, I would never say any diet is complete bullshit, no matter how much I disagree with it.
Keto for example, I’m not a fan. But in a medical setting or a highly specific individual scenario, it has it’s proper use and application – so it can be great. Gen pop individual trying to lose fat? Keto is probably not so great.
But that’s how dieting works – it’s HIGHLY individual.
However, when it comes to fat loss and body composition changes… science simply does not favor low carb diets, period.
So what I have for you here in this blog is an infographic slide show, taking you through the research, mechanisms, and application of a high carb/low fat diet (this is sourced from my instagram, make sure you follow me @codymcbroom to see more content like this!).
My goal with this is simple… ELIMINATE LOW CARB DOGMA! Because it’s dogmatic dieting fads and nutritional propaganda pushed to the masses through instagram influencers without any credentials or NetFlix documentaries with ulterior financial motives that is limiting the results people can achieve and creating a bad name for the word “diet”.
Here at Tailored Coaching Method we’ve seen THOUSANDS of people achieve amazing physiques and completely transformed body compositions, while using both high and low carb approaches – because we use the science to determine our principles and the individual’s personal adherence to determine the methods used.
That being said, I am admitting that low carb diets can work IF they help you adhere. Because at the end of the day, week, and month… if your calories and protein are in check, you will see fat loss. Period.
However, if you want to see fat loss AND maintain or gain muscle, improve performance, and have a higher energy level (on average), then a high carb diet will produce better results 90% of the time (assuming it is easy to adhere to as well, which in most cases – it is MORE easy to adhere to).
Now… Let’s get into the slides!
- https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(15)00350-2
- https://www.drmcdougall.com/2013/12/31/walter-kempner-md-founder-of-the-rice-diet/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7598063/
- https://examine.com/nutrition/how-are-carbohydrates-converted-into-fat-deposits/
- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-568-flexible-dieting-with-dr-joe-klemczewski/id1167859928?i=1000512472595