Stubborn Body Fat – AKA Our Biggest Enemy.
You know… Spare tire, love handles, hips, lower abdominal fat… wherever it stores for you, it’s a pain and always the last to go. THAT is what we call stubborn body fat.
So what does it take to get rid of it? How specific do we need to get? Will it ever actually go away?
The unfortunate truth, is that it takes a bit more specificity and a lot more consistency to truly get rid of. Stubborn body fat is stubborn and the last to go because your body doesn’t want to get rid of it. Your body wants homeostasis and part of that homeostasis, is actually having a healthy amount of body fat!
And stubborn body fat is usually that healthy amount – and those who want to get rid of it, are those who typically want to get shredded or extremely lean.
All the answers regarding stubborn body fat, in today’s video.
Cody McBroom is a Strength Coach and Nutrition Expert located in Seattle WA. He coaches people in person and online, now internationally. His passion is helping individuals changing their lives through body composition transformation, as well as creating content across all platforms to help individuals and other coaches learn more about training and nutrition.