Yes, I love weight watchers.
And no, this is not a joke.
What most people fail to see in weight watchers is the system they use for successful weight loss and how it has some major keys to success.
The thing is, I use some of these exact same keys in my online coaching program. The funny part of it all is that I actually was reading up on weight watchers to find this out… To be honest, I just like to read random studies. Weird hobby? Probably, but I’m cool with it!
Anyway, back to weight watchers and how great it is – besides the fact that they sell ice cream bars at Safeway.
Lets get into some facts, stats, and studies done so I can prove how dope weight watchers actually is…
In a six-month study, done on the members and participants of weight watchers, they found that on average clients lost 44lbs. Might not seem too crazy by measures, but that equals out to 1.7lbs per week…. Accompany that with a training plan that will ensure muscle gain or at the least maintenance of the muscle built over time, that’s a significant drop in body fat.
To add to this, we must account for those people in the study who do not ‘actually’ follow the protocols properly and/or don’t train, as they should for optimal results.
Because at the end of the day, Weight Watchers had 600,000 members join in 1993 alone… Holy fucking shit! That is a success from a business standpoint!
But the point is, ON AVERAGE people lost 1.7lbs per week because of the system they entailed and that is an average, of a shit-ton of people (yes… a shit-ton is an actual numerical measurement, my friend).
Another study split obese and overweight individuals into two separate groups, one being a weight watchers group and one being a “solo journey” so to speak.
The groups had the exact same nutrition and training plans, the only difference being the community and group of the weight watchers in the one group, in other words the weight watchers group had more support and accountability because they belonged to a group.
The results?
Actually, during the study the participants lost about the same exact amount of total weight.
Key words there, “During the study”.
Results also showed that a year later the weight loss of the individuals in the weight watchers group lost more than double the weight, most cases also lead to healthier relationships with dieting and a general sense of positivity or happiness.
Makes a whole lot of sense, because accountability and support is everything for long-term success.
Another cool thing about the study was how they set up individuals in the weight watchers group. The way they did it was in pairs of three, within the overall group. One person being a “veteran” or someone who has had experience with weight loss before, the other two being new to the program.
And of course, they all had coaches.
The key here is simple… THEY ALL RELATE. “I’ve been in your shoes”.
Ok, now lets get onto why weight watchers works so well and how YOU can benefit from this and push your results even further (no matter what your results goal is).
Plain and simple – without metrics we cannot succeed.
Think of your body and your goals to either lose body fat or weight or to build more muscle, like a business.
Is your business growing? Is it progressing?
The only way to tell is to have numbers to prove a yes or no. Then you adjust to make things a definite yes, consistently.
* With Weight Watchers they have weekly weigh-ins to track progress of your bodyweight, this is really the only way to measure whether or not you’re moving in the right direction.
* Weight Watchers uses a point system for food. Everything you consume has a number associated with it; healthier and more nutrient dense foods have a better point then the “junk” foods. But either way, you have a specific amount of allowance to spend with points, so you need to fit things in and overall you end up not consuming too many calories…
Sounds a hell of a lot like the reason tracking macros and calories works so damn well.
Also why I’m a HUGE proponent of keeping a training log. Tracking weights lifted, reps and sets performed, energy levels during training, etc. is HUGE for progressive overload – which is the biggest key to consistent gym progress.
In weight watchers, like I said above, the healthier more nutrient dense foods have a better point for your totals. This obviously encourages people to eat better food choices because at the end of the day, you can eat more food in total.
But at the same time, they do not restrict foods from your diet so the choice becomes more up to you.
This leads to better long-term adherence, better health and performance, and a better relationship with food as it is less likely to binge when you’re in control.
This is why I do prefer to utilize IIFYM with my own personal diet and my clients. I believe in rich nutrient dense food and always encourage it, but if a client wants some crackers I like being able to say, “Fit it into your macros”. Because now THEY have control over their own diet and it goes a lot longer that way.
At the end of the day, ‘calories in vs. calories out is’ the biggest determination of seeing changes in your body composition and this helps solidify that.
This is probably the biggest and most overlooked factor in training and dieting.
You CANNOT do this on your own and that is 100% ok to admit.
Shit, I would not be where I am today on my own.
I hired a coach for my business, hired a coach for my nutrition when I went on my fat loss journey, and I try to NEVER write my own training programs.
Not only because its so much more beneficial to have an outside eye looking in, but also because I needed the support, accountability, and coaching figure to guide me through the ups and downs that we will all face.
In Weight Watchers, they have coaches and a group of clients that are all sharing a relatable journey and goal to lose weight and better themselves.
The days of going into the gym aimlessly are over, whether you belong to a training facility that has a tight community or you’re in an online coaching program – the coaching figure and community sense is NEEDED for success.
Now, how do YOU take in all this and apply it to your fitness journey?
Join Weight Watchers…? No, definitely not – for many reasons, that I won’t get into.
The solution for you is to simply run down the list and determine whether or not you’re hitting all these things within your journey.
Are you tracking and measuring your progress? So you can actually make progress?
Are you building habits that lead to long-term results? Or running through crash diets and looking to quick fixes?
Do you belong to an accountability and support group? Or have a coach who provides you with that?
If the answer is no, to any of them, go out and make that thing happen. I guarantee you will get A LOT further by doing so. Trust me, I know because I have been in your shoes and it wasn’t until I checked off each of those things that I saw the result I wanted.
If you don’t know where to find those things, I’d suggest one of two things… Or if you really want to achieve “greatness”, do both.
1 – Get on my newsletter. It’s a source of daily accountability and content to get more results, plus you get a free e-book that will get you leaner in 21 days. I guarantee you will not be dissatisfied.
Go here, now ->
2 – Check out my online coaching program, it’s the shit. I promise.
You get a lot out of it and one of those things is a 100% personalized program to get you specific results, the ones you’ve been working so damn hard for but keep falling short.
Oh yeah, you’ll also get that really important thing I mentioned…. ACCOUNTABILITY.
Go here to see what its about ->
And go here to skip a step and just apply for the program now ->