[Daily Dose] Progress is made at the speed of trust.

January 23, 2022
Written by Cody McBroom

2 Min Read

Progress is made at the speed of trust.

This one BLEW OUR MINDS this week.

We’re in the middle of a team deep dive coaching session, soaking up the sun in the backyard of our Arizona AirBNB, when Joe yelled out from the corner of the huddle…

“Progress is made at the speed of trust.”

It was a mic drop moment, because it was during the middle of a POWERFUL conversation.

We were recreating and solidifying our core values as a team – one of which was regarding trust.

The core value of honesty, authenticity, transparency, and trust.

And as we were discussing it, he said that…

Then you heard Trav belt out,

“God damn that’s good! What a one liner!”

And we all agreed, because so many of us have said these words to our clients,

“Trust the process”

Which at times can be a cop-out, to be honest.

For the uneducated and/or unempathetic coach, that’s a way out.

A way out of explaining things fully and teaching the process – which requires fully KNOWING the process.

It’s also a way out of the emotional work inside of coaching – you NEED to understand the individual and what they’re going through.

But that’s not us, obviously.

We’re known for being one of the most well educated coaching staff there are in the industry AND to have a high level of emotional intelligence across our entire team.

But we have said that because we all know that success is developed from trusting and fully embracing THE PROCESS.

Not from solely focusing on the outcome.

In fact, that’s how you go crazy.

You’re so focused on the scale, for example, that you fail to get the most out of the habits that take you to that weight you want.

And really, those habits that take you there – they’re only as good as the time they last.

Meaning if you don’t keep them up, they’re useless.

Now, back to the meaning of this statement…

It’s similar to the saying “a watched pot boils slower”, because as you know – if you stare at a pot of boiling water… it takes FAR longer to boil!

Well, inside this game of fitness, health, fat loss, muscle growth…. It’s the same thing.

Your progress will be FASTER if you embrace and trust the process.

Which is why we say progress is made at the speed of trust.

If you TRUST your coach, TRUST your training, TRUST your diet, TRUST your faith, TRUST your work ethic, TRUST your positivity…

Results will show up quickly and last a very long time.

But failing to TRUST the process, is failing to get results.

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