So many times we, yes I’m including myself, want to add all the little “new and trendy” things into our training, yet we’re missing the big pictures.
Consistency is obviously that big picture, no matter if we’re talking about building a body or building a business.
You’re going to do shit wrong and mess up.
You’re going to have some successes as well.
But then again, you’re going to mess up and have to jump back up.
You’re also going to see shiny objects along the way, or even see someone else doing something cool that is working for them…
Then you question, “Should I start doing it that way?” or “They do their cardio at that time on that machine, is that what I’m missing?!”
Well the truth is, probably not. You should probably just keep doing exactly what you’re doing, consistently for the next month or more and then, maybe – but not for sure, you can consider changing things up.
I posted a status on instagram and Facebook yesterday that related to this. (Check them out by clicking here for instagram and here for Facebook).
As you’ll see in the post description or the picture above, it took me 3 years to gain about 6-8lbs of muscle. Yes I dropped body fat in the time as well, which is difficult… But 3 years people, 3 years…
Am I frustrated? HELL NO! I’m pumped! That’s a solid number.
For a better idea, imagine putting 6-8 full 1lb steaks across the muscles on my body. That is a ton of meat! (Sounds really weird…)
So my point is simple, this shit really takes consistency and when it comes to setting goals I have a few pointers.
Have a short-term goal, one that is about 12 weeks long (3 months). This one you can break into 3 separate 30-day benchmarks that lead you to the end goal. You set these up, every 90 days (12 weeks – this is what I always talk about, “90-Day Outcomes”).
Then, you also have your long-term goal. I prefer a 1-year and/or a 3-year goal.
Do I want to look good in 1 month from now? Absolutely.
But I also want to achieve a very specific look for myself, which takes time. So I set the long goals up.
How did I stay consistent for those 3 years to get where I am at now? And how will I continue to do that for the next 3 years?
With these 5 tips.
#1 – ENJOY IT!
If you cannot have fun in your gym or during your training, you’re doing something wrong.
Something needs to change and it is most likely the gym you’re at, the people you train with, or just the program you’re currently on.
I know for me personally, I actually enjoy training alone sometimes. I also really enjoy the guys I train with as well, but regardless of my atmosphere I enjoy my training sessions because of one simple fact.
I like the training program I am on and I always do. If you’re paying someone to be your coach and you’re not enjoying the workouts, say something.
If they tell you to suck it up and we just need to fight through it, they suck as a coach and I have no issue calling them out on that (neither should you, you pay them).
A good coach will listen, not just hear you but actually listen, and then they will adjust things according to your feedback.
If you like squatting heavy, you should do more of that. If you prefer to deadlift over squat, you should do more of that instead. If you bigger shoulders, you should overhead press more often because that will lead you to your goal and it will be a lot more fun when you truly are aware that you’re going to achieve a result by the exercises you’re doing.
But this also leads me to my next point….
You do need to have fun, more often than not.
But you also need to learn to “embrace the suck”.
This just means that sometimes, shit isn’t going to be fun. And that is ok, actually it is not just ok but it is completely necessary.
This applies to the physical but also the mental side of training, being able to grind it out and push through sometimes is what we need.
Sometimes we don’t feel like training, no matter if it is our favorite lift day or not. But the point is that we do anyway, because we know that lifting at 80% is better than not lifting at all – unless you’re injured, sick, or your mother seriously needs your help, those are exceptions.
This builds grit and that will apply across the board in life.
That grit will also help you achieve a badass physique.
#3 – BE BASIC!
“Why the f#$k would we want to be basic?!”
Ok, we don’t and I’ll be the first to admit I always strive to stand out from the crowd.
But, there are some serious staple movements in training that lead to the best results and when we stray away from them, because we see a shiny object in our peripheral, we do not make the #gainz we really want to make.
Here are the basics that every program should focus on, no matter if you’re male or female or losing fat or building muscle.
Overhead Press.
Chin Ups and/or Heavy Rows.
If you just did all of these, every single session, then you would get better results than ever.
In fact, I’m living proof because I did just that and got in the best shape of my life over the course of 8-10 weeks.
I literally did a heavy squat, bench, and then deadlift, and then I supplemented it with some dumbbell overhead pressing and chin-ups – occasionally finished with pulling the sled.
I did that same thing, each session, for 3 days per week and I got stronger than ever and actually improved my physique by a lot.
But what I stopped doing, was isolation work and small exercises that really don’t add up in the grand scheme of things.
That is not to say they do not have their place, in fact occasionally I did them during that program but I only did so if I wasn’t completely gassed out laying on the floor after my lift.
[ For the exact program I did, varying percentages and intensities throughout the week, click HERE for an application form for my Online Coaching ]
So the key for #3 is to make sure you hit the basics, then follow #1 by having some fun doing the things you like – for the guys, curling alllllll the weights and for the ladies some abs and booty stuff.
But how does that make you more consistent? Good question!
It is extremely hard to see much progression on an isolation exercise like a dumbbell curl or shoulder lateral raise, you’ll probably hover at the same weight for eternity. But with a squat, you can make great strides of progression and that is extremely empowering to keep making gains.
Same reason you should lift some real heavy shit every single week.
#4 – GET A PUMP!
Go straight meathead every once in a while. Like once a week at least, I prefer to do so 3-4 times per week.
I still follow all the basics, like I am preaching, but at the end of a few sessions each week I spend an extra 5-10 minutes pumping up my chest or arms because my ego loves it and I feel fantastic when I’m jacked.
No science behind this really… It just feels good and makes you more confident when you have a nice pump in your chest and arms.
For ladies, I know you got more swag in your walk when you got a nice glute pump from all the hip thrusters in your finisher! (I’ve been told this from clients, so I know its not bullshit!)
The point is having fun (#1) and feeling good.
And if you’re a geek like me and want to hear the science behind it, I’ll give it to you.
Getting a pump is a metabolic adaptation in the body and it also creates a ton of lactic acid inside the muscle. This will lead to more hypertrophy, more fat loss and calories burned, more blood flow and hydration into the muscle which leads to all of the above plus more recovery to that specific muscle group, and will also provide you a better sense of mind muscle connection (actually proven I studies) which can lead to a whole list of great benefits to your ability to lift better and properly.
So yeah… Listen to the great, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
“It’s as satisfying to me as, uh, coming is, you know? As, ah, having sex with a woman and coming. And so can you believe how much I am in heaven? I am like, uh, getting the feeling of coming in a gym, I’m getting the feeling of coming at home, I’m getting the feeling of coming backstage when I pump up, when I pose in front of 5,000 people, I get the same feeling, so I am coming day and night. I mean, it’s terrific. Right? So you know, I am in heaven.”
[ Yeah, I really went there! If it offended you, my bad – truly I don’t want to offend anyone… But that shit is hilarious, lets be honest, and it proves my point…. A little, I think. ]
This is a major key for results and doesn’t take much explanation.
Train heavy 2-4 times per week, do some cardio, hit all your muscles, sleep like a baby, and eat like a king.
If you lift heavy on a Tuesday this week instead of Monday, not a big deal.
If you don’t have your exact post workout meal that you always eat after your workout, just eat something else with similar macros… no biggie.
If you got to skip a day because a family or friend matter, don’t sweat it… Train on a Sunday this week!
If you hurt your back, don’t quit. Work around it, don’t worry about it, be smart and enjoy some modifications in your training.
[ That one can be tough, I get it… That’s one big reason I started my Online Coaching Program, because sometimes life hits you and you need modifications on the fly and a response right away. ]
Do I periodize programming specifically for my client’s and myself? Of course, it’s a huge reason we get such great success.
But did Moses himself write it in stone for nobody to ever change? Of course not!
Things happen, like life and a busy schedule. So if you can do anything, just make sure you….
Just train.
Eat well.
Sleep as much as you can.
And enjoy the process, no matter how strict it is.
If you want to learn more about how you can follow these steps easily, determine exactly what program would fit you, your lifestyle and your goals, and most importantly – get results. Click HERE for a Free Strategy Call so we can asses it all.