
[Daily Dose] The Pursuit of Fulfillment

February 23, 2022
Written by Cody McBroom

The Pursuit of Fulfillment

Someone asked me on my IG story Q&A the other day,

“What’s the biggest lesson, insight, or revelation you’ve had since getting Bubba (or any dog for that matter)?”

I almost typed,

“Getting him neutered doesn’t change his bad habit of….”

And then I figured that was semi-inappropriate.

But my tattoo artist and I laughed because he’s a dog owner and we joked about the problem of my “adamant” little bulldog previously.

Then I sat there for a moment, really trying to give as deep of an answer as I possibly could…

And what I wrote, I want to share with you in today’s Daily Dose;


It’s a serious pressure, too.

But I think having the pressure of caring or providing for someone else or something important is what creates a lot of our fulfillment and sense of success, as humans. 

I felt this way with my daughter, too. But I have to be real and admit, my wife takes on the biggest load of responsibilities with her and if I didn’t have my Queen to lean on…

It’d be beyond hard! She holds it down and my daughter is extremely blessed to have her.

But when I think of this “responsibility” factor in terms of fulfillment, I think of my family, my team, Bubba, my clients, YOU reading this…

And I realize that it’s all pressure to perform and provide.

I have to SHOW THE FUCK UP, or I’m going back on my word.

I need to be my best, to provide for my family – physically, emotionally, and financially.

I have to create and build this TCM machine more and more, to prosper and continue providing for my team — so they can continue supporting their families, bills, lifestyles, etc.

I have to be on my toes all day, to make sure Bubba stays healthy, gets activity, is fed, etc.

I need to still be a coach at all times, to not only ensure my clients are losing fat, getting healthier, and seeing the results they hired me for — but also to be a role model to them, those around them, AND all those watching me coach them.

Last but not least, if I don’t show up like this (all of that) and share it publicly, document it, share my journey…

I’m not being a leader to you and those reading, watching, listening, and consuming my content.

All of it is PRESSURE.

But it’s a privilege, because it gives me a meaningful responsibility.

One that is much bigger than me…

It’s what drives me every day.

And honestly, I think that’s what sets the human’s soul on fire.

You NEED that pressure and that responsibility, in order to feel like you’re contributing to a bigger purpose in life.

That’s what creates fulfillment…

Not just a paycheck or a better number on the scale.

Those help, yeah… But if it’s not all conspiring to something bigger, that places a responsibility on YOU to be your absolutely best self…

Something is missing.

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