Your efforts need to match your goals. I attended a webinar recently and the speaker said to us, “You can raise your commitment or lower your standards.” Shit hit hard,...
You can’t win, if you’re afraid to lose. This actually comes straight out of a Chris Stapleton song, believe it or not… But once I heard it, I literally hit...
If you take offense, you probably don’t take action Nothing is going to slow you down more than taking offense and blaming others. Pointing the finger elsewhere does NOTHING for...
Ready, Aim, FIRE. Repeat. I’m going to keep this short and sweet today. There is ONE thing that EVERY successful person has in common. Whether we’re talking about physical fitness…...
YOLO… There’s something about being a human that innately slows you down or tries to stop you from taking action and becoming more successful… It’s crazy to say that. Actually,...
When you think about hunger, what comes to mind? Pain in your abdomen or a growling stomach? Maybe hunger shows up as mental fog and fatigue. To be honest, the...
Stop living with “what if’s…. If you ask any person who is over the age of 80 about their life, you’ll hear the word regret or the statement “wish I...
How to Intensify Your Workout: 7 Proven Training Techniques What happens when you feel your exercise routine start to fall flat? You spend countless hours in the gym, yet you’re...
The Greats and YOU… Are the same. Here’s some crazy facts for you, to show and prove to you that you can literally do ANYTHING you want to do in...
Watering Your Lawn While It’s Raining. Have you ever heard this analogy? Or even worse, mopping your floor while your roof is leaking. Both paint a very clear image —...
It’s Boring & Un-Sexy… But it WORKS. Have you ever noticed that the strategies, methods, and tools which seem to work best for producing results… tend to NOT be that...
The 10 Nutrition Commandments. Like I told you on yesterday… I’m bringing you the 10 Nutrition Commandments! These are the 10 “rules”, written in stone, that shouldn’t be ignored or...