
Author: Cody McBroom

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Stop living with “what if’s….

by Cody McBroom

Stop living with “what if’s…. If you ask any person who is over the age of 80 about their life, you’ll hear the word regret or the statement “wish I...


How to Intensify Your Workout: 7 Proven Training Techniques

by Cody McBroom

How to Intensify Your Workout: 7 Proven Training Techniques What happens when you feel your exercise routine start to fall flat? You spend countless hours in the gym, yet you’re...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] The Greats and YOU… Are the same.

by Cody McBroom

The Greats and YOU… Are the same. Here’s some crazy facts for you, to show and prove to you that you can literally do ANYTHING you want to do in...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Watering Your Lawn While It’s Raining.

by Cody McBroom

Watering Your Lawn While It’s Raining. Have you ever heard this analogy? Or even worse, mopping your floor while your roof is leaking. Both paint a very clear image —...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] It’s Boring & Un-Sexy… But it WORKS.

by Cody McBroom

It’s Boring & Un-Sexy… But it WORKS. Have you ever noticed that the strategies, methods, and tools which seem to work best for producing results… tend to NOT be that...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] The 10 Nutrition Commandments.

by Cody McBroom

The 10 Nutrition Commandments. Like I told you on yesterday… I’m bringing you the 10 Nutrition Commandments! These are the 10 “rules”, written in stone, that shouldn’t be ignored or...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] The 10 Training Commandments.

by Cody McBroom

The 10 Training Commandments. Full transparency, I stole these from another strength coach (Ben Bruno). But I thought it was great and I wanted to share with you / give...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Self-Made is Made Up.

by Cody McBroom

Self-Made is Made Up. If you’re a hip-hop head (i.e. someone who loves rap music), you’ve heard the term Self-Made at least a hundred times. It’s a cool thing to...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] What is Body Positivity, Really…?

by Cody McBroom

What is Body Positivity, Really…? Body positivity… This is an interesting topic. It’s actually a pretty controversial topic, too. And I’ve been asked COUNTLESS times about my thoughts on it,...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Why you hate Monday.

by Cody McBroom

Why you hate Monday. Hating Monday is a sign that you have a lack of clarity. Or maybe a lack of direction. Either way, you’re unclear on (or unhappy with)...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Just Show Up.

by Cody McBroom

Just Show Up. Hey. I’ve been sitting here staring at a blank screen for at least 5 minutes. Dumbfounded on what to write. And to be honest, I haven’t had...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Become Your Own Stoic.

by Cody McBroom

Become Your Own Stoic. You ever wonder how stoics and the old famous philosophers became so smart…? My tattoo artist and I had a pretty deep conversation about this and...

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