
Author: Cody McBroom

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] ACTION > motivation

by Cody McBroom

ACTION > motivation Pablo Picasso has by far one of the best quotes of all time… he said, “Action is the foundational key to all success.” It’s the best because...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Fuck mediocrity.

by Cody McBroom

Fuck mediocrity. Look around. At each area of your life. Your body. Your mind. Your career. Your household. Your environment. Your routine. ANY and EVERY-thing you can think of. If...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Crucial conversations.

by Cody McBroom

Crucial conversations. This is the title of a book (i.e. Crucial Conversations) that I’ve read MORE than once in my time as a coach. It outlines the foundations of how...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] It’s not what you do, it’s how you feel.

by Cody McBroom

It’s not what you do, it’s how you feel. Maya Angelou has a famous quote, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Every detail matters.

by Cody McBroom

Every detail matters. I’m writing you from my hotel room, here in St. Louis, while I’m visiting the 1st Phorm Headquarters for a few days. The amount of insights I’ve...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Success is how you SEE it.

by Cody McBroom

Success is how you SEE it. 90% of the results you see are pre-determined based on YOUR perspective and belief in success. Now, that’s not a legit number. I pulled...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] SIMPLICITY > complexity.

by Cody McBroom

SIMPLICITY > complexity. Have you ever noticed that successful people are always telling you to not overthink things and/or to keep it simple? And at first, you feel like that...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Your efforts need to match your goals.

by Cody McBroom

Your efforts need to match your goals. I attended a webinar recently and the speaker said to us, “You can raise your commitment or lower your standards.” Shit hit hard,...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] You can’t win, if you’re afraid to lose.

by Cody McBroom

You can’t win, if you’re afraid to lose. This actually comes straight out of a Chris Stapleton song, believe it or not… But once I heard it, I literally hit...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] If you take offense, you probably don’t take action

by Cody McBroom

If you take offense, you probably don’t take action Nothing is going to slow you down more than taking offense and blaming others. Pointing the finger elsewhere does NOTHING for...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] Ready, Aim, FIRE. Repeat.

by Cody McBroom

Ready, Aim, FIRE. Repeat. I’m going to keep this short and sweet today. There is ONE thing that EVERY successful person has in common. Whether we’re talking about physical fitness…...

Daily Dose

[Daily Dose] YOLO…

by Cody McBroom

YOLO… There’s something about being a human that innately slows you down or tries to stop you from taking action and becoming more successful… It’s crazy to say that. Actually,...

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