Plateaus suck. We’ve all been through them, some of us break through and others don’t. The sad thing is when someone doesn’t get the knowledge needed to break through a...
The last 10lbs… It’s like the final put in a golf game. Precision comes into play, you need to dial things down a notch, slow down a bit and don’t...
“You practically live in the gym, Cody. And even when you’re not literally there, you’re writing, talking or at the very least thinking about it… Of course you can stay...
When it comes to creating the lean body we all want, the ultimate goal is really sustaining it. See I’ve accomplished that lean body before, more than once. Maybe you...
There is no “Best Exercise”, just like there is no “Best Diet”. That’s just the unfortunate truth of getting results; because trust me if there were just one thing to do,...
“A Nutrition Plan For Real People”…. (Podcast Interview with Gene Fox of Hefty To Handsome) It’s an unfortunate thing to realize that the concept of a real nutrition plan,...
Losing weight fast is a very popular topic in the fitness and nutrition industry. With marketing schemes and media pumping out crazy claims on such a regular basis, everyone...
I’ve witnessed hip mobility literally save some of my client’s abilities to lift, play sports, move pain free, get leaner, build more muscle, get really strong, and the best one...
After the popularity of my article, “The 10 Diet Commandments”, I decided to bring the heat with another Hip-Hop inspired fitness post. Wouldn’t be right to only focus on...
As many of you probably know, the “Freshman 15” is very real. In fact, the “Sophomore 30”, “Junior 40” and “Senior I Stopped Counting” are all very real as well....
Anyone who is into bodybuilding, or even just training for specific goals and results, knows that one of the biggest factors in the process is progressive overload. Progressive overload is...
As a reader of my blog, I can assume your goal is to look, perform, or feel better in some way, shape, or form. You’re probably looking to get lean,...