So…. It’s Monday…. Another week, but unlike the mass majority of the population… this gets me FIRED UP! Why?! Because it’s a new week, which is another opportunity to crush...
2 Ways to Make Your Diet Easier & More Successful 1.) TRACK WHAT YOU EAT! This is huge for me and it should be for anyone else looking to see...
I recently heard a story of a young man; so young he can barely drink alcohol legally, which got locked away in prison. This man made a terrible mistake and...
Caffeine can help you burn fat… But wait it can mess with your adrenal glands… But that’s only if you drink way the hell too much… But this study said...
What do you stand for? No really, don’t just read that… Ask yourself and seriously consider the answer that comes to your mind. Whatever your answer is, it should be...
Sometimes the most important thing in life is to simply just be a good person… in fact almost ALL of the time that is the case. The majority of our...
So here it is, one of the biggest struggles for anyone attempting to lose weight, gain muscle or achieve any body re-composition based goal. A social life! In no way,...
Metabolic Damage [Refeeds, Cheat Meals, Reverse Dieting & How To Utilize Them For Results] So many fitness enthusiasts ask the same questions time and time again, one of the most...
One of the most underestimated factors in achieving fitness results, which can actually be the biggest thing holding you back, is hormonal balances. Our hormones literally run our body. They...
Is a carb a carb? Does it matter where we get our macronutrients? Or is all that matters the amount of macronutrients we attain by the end of the day?...
LESS THAN 2 WEEKS OUT!!!! Wow…. I think it finally hit me that I will be going on stage for the first time to pose in a NPC Physique Competition...
I’m just over 2 weeks away from my first physique competition and the closer I get, the more difficult this becomes. The carb cut has started and it is pretty...