
Full ROM vs. Partial ROM, Industry Drama, and Training During Fat Loss

Episode 553

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Show notes


2:05 – I have a question regarding the body’s insulin response. I have heard you mention how it is anabolic and important when building muscle but I have also heard that it is what causes you to store fat? I am just confused hearing the opposing sides and feel like it is so important to understand because I have clients avoiding carbs thinking it’s the insulin response that is causing them to gain weight?

14:40 – If you had an absurd amount of money, what’s one really weird thing you would spend it on?

22:45 – Do you ever get tired of the drama you see in the industry?

26:53 – Ass to grass squats vs. 90 degrees?

32:40 – What’s a good set and rep scheme during a fat loss phase to best maintain my current muscle and strength?

38:50 – I am a jiu-jitsu practitioner and want to know if you recommend use of creatine for jiu-jitsu? I practice jiu-jitsu 4 to 5 days per week and try to go to the gym at least twice a week where I split my training up into an upper body and lower body day. Will supplementing with creatine have an effect on my jiu-jitsu explosiveness, decrease fatigue while rolling, and recovery to roll for longer?

44:30 – My fiancé has recently become interested in her health and as I am a fitness/nutrition enthusiast, she has started asking me for advice. I’ve got her starting to log her macros and advised her to begin finding a way to move a little more everyday. She runs on the treadmill a couple times a week, but only because she feels like it’s the only way she knows to exercise and doesn’t really enjoy it. She has expressed interest in learning the basics of strength training and wants me to show her how to get started. I am an intermediate lifter and feel like I have a pretty good grasp of knowledge in fitness and nutrition, but have no idea where to start with her! What movements, focuses, or frameworks would you have me start her with? Her goals are to lose a little fat, and just improve overall health.

50:08 – I am currently two months into my program, and we are slowly increasing my calories to prime my body for my eventual cut. I am losing weight while increasing calories, but have motivation and confidence issues because of body dysmorphia and just not physically seeing results. What is a realistic timeframe regarding seeing results in this state of a program whether it be fat loss or muscle growth?

55:14 – Creatine question… I’m currently in a surplus and lifting 4 times a week. Taking the other 3 as recovery/rest days. Since I’m a nurse, my NEAT is pretty high and I always get plenty of steps so I don’t go on any extra walks or anything. When do you recommend taking creatine on days off? Morning/Night.. Does it matter?


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