
Fixing Adrenal Issues, How To Best Educate Clients, and More…

Episode 512

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As Featured on: Huffington Post, Bodybuilding.com, The PTDC, Dr. John Rusin, Muscle For Life, HLHL, iN3, OPEX Fitness and More…

Show notes


2:46 – I’m a bodybuilder and have been training for nearly 17 years now. I consider myself an advanced trainee and recently had issues with feeling off. Bloodwork showed rock bottom ATCH and Aldosterone. Cortisol and DHEA are normal. I’ve added more fats and cut back substantially on my volume. That said, how would you periodize strength training for someone recovering from adrenal insufficiency when hypertrophy is the main goal?

11:25 – My original goal these next few months was gonna be to try and put on some size. But with my daughter being here now (2 months old),  and considering all the added stressors that brings, I’m assuming that’s not the best idea right? If so, would you suggest just a maintenance in calories for now?

14:58 – The wife and I have agreed to only 3 days of training per week for me for now haha… What do you suggest would be the best way to go about programming with a 3 day split that would still help me keep on as much muscle as possible?

18:40 -What’s the youngest client you have worked with professionally? I have a client who has asked me to work with her 14yr old son. I love his desire to get stronger and build muscle but the poor kid has horrible upper and lower body mobility! Any programming tips would be appreciated.

26:27 – Wondering if strength gains necessarily need to equal hypertrophy. I am a rock climber who started listening to your podcast because I found a lot of similarities between physique athlete training and climbing, mostly in terms of the periodization of strength gaining and weight loss phases. As a climber, I’m trying to be as strong as possible without adding extra bulk, so usually take your hypertrophy advice and do the opposite. But can I really be improving strength, say in my legs, without the muscles getting bigger?

31:01 – What exercises can I add on to my current programming to help strengthen pelvic floor muscles? I know this is an area of concern for many women, especially those of us that have had babies.

34:25 – Love your podcast but you guys never introduce yourselves! I know one of you (not sure which one) is Cody McBroom but who is the other guy?

41:50 – What do you feel is the best way to educate your clients about nutrition? Verbal communication, or do you send them reading material?


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