
Finding Maintenance After Long Deficit, Skinny Fat Solution, and More…

Episode 497

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As Featured on: Huffington Post, Bodybuilding.com, The PTDC, Dr. John Rusin, Muscle For Life, HLHL, iN3, OPEX Fitness and More…

Show notes

0:45 – Travis’ Engagement Story

21:25 – I have a male client, 39 years old whose goal is to be lean and gain muscle. He works out a lot and does a ton of cardio. He has skinny arms and legs and a belly. If I set up his macros to maintenance (he’s not eating enough) with an importance of him getting enough protein, will the mid section fat go away with less cardio and more weights ? His mindset is to do cardio to lose the belly fat, which I think is causing him to retain the fat. It’s possibly too much stress for his body. Another thought – What’s up with skinny arms/legs and a fat belly in general?

26:45 – I have heard/read so much about macro timing. However, carbs make me so sleepy!!! I workout mid morning so I have been carb loading before/after my workout. I am beyond exhausted come post lunch. I feel so much better having protein/fats during the day and having carbs at dinner/pre bed. Will I lose muscle mass doing this style?

33:10 – I listened to Ep. 342 on Reverse/Recovery Diets. My question is – I have been in a deficit for a long time just trying to stay lean and my hormones are out of whack. How do I know what my maintenance is after so long in a deficit?

37:33 – How do you determine which coaches to pair with which clients?

40:45 – How much, if any, cardio should be done during a maintenance and/or building phase?

46:30 – When you have a few beers or drinks, do you tend to try and make up for it by eating less?

53:20 – I ran through your nutrition manual and it suggests that someone doing high intensity training (CrossFit in my case) should be eating 2958 calories for high end maintenance (I’m 174lbs) I eat approximately 3300 every day and mostly feel fine performance wise but my weight hasn’t changed in 3 months. I tried recently to up my calories a bit more and just felt like I got fat really fast except my weight only went up by a couple of pounds..

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