
Dr. Mike Israetel Pt.2: Training and Nutrition, During Fat Loss Phases

Episode 433

This is part 2, with the one and only Dr. Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization.

Dr. Mike Israetel, PhD, strength coach, and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a leading expert in hypertrophy. Today we dive into high carb diets (during cuts and gaining phases), training at home, how training changes during a cut, and what the bro’s actually did get right.

Find Mike on instagram @rpdrmike and check out their YouTube channel for more educational content, at Renaissance Periodization

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Top 4 Episodes:

– Nutritional Periodization

– Nutrition FAQ

– Training FAQ

– My Story


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As Featured on: Huffington Post, Bodybuilding.com, The PTDC, Dr. John Rusin, Muscle For Life, HLHL, iN3, OPEX Fitness and More…

Show notes

2:35 – How to manage training during quarantine

23:25 – Mikes perspective on his personal diet and training

30:00 – Keeping fats low and raising carbs during massing

46:05 – Knowing when and why to change training

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