
Helping others,
like you, get

Evidence Based Training and Nutrition, Meets Application Based Coaching.

When it comes to training and nutrition, authentic coaching and education is the key to seeing results that last forever. It’s our mission to provide world-class coaching, education, and accountability to guarantee our clients achieve the results they came to us for.


This is a Reverse Diet Transformation, that is still in the works because she hasn’t slowed down yet! She dropped 3-4lbs while completely transforming her physique AND increased calories by nearly double.

Meredith Savatsky
Kelly Mack
BOOM BOOM-Fall2018_0009

Why I created The Tailored Coaching Method

Tailored Coaching is a Lifestyle Coaching Company, focused on fitting the training and nutrition to the client and not the other way around. We’ve built our foundation around the fact that every single person we come in contact with is a different individual: different body, goals, hormones, social responsibilities, schedules, dietary history, and views on what “being fit” really means.

When it comes to training and nutrition, authentic coaching and education is the key to seeing results that last forever. At Boom Boom Performance, it’s our mission to provide world-class coaching, education, and accountability to guarantee our clients achieve the results they came to us for.

For more details on exactly what we do, click here now or go check out the blog where we have hundreds of free articles to help educate you further.

Brain Bombs

Learn what you never knew to get the body you’ve always wanted

Almonds Nutrition Facts: Everything You Want To Know

Almonds: A Healthy On-The-Go Snack Almonds have been cherished throughout history, from ancient civilizations to modern kitchens, for their distinctive taste and health benefits. These nuts, native to the Middle East, have now become a global favorite. This blog explores the nutritional profile of almonds,…

Micronutrient Index
Blueberries: A Small Superfruit
Micronutrient Index
Blueberries: A Small Superfruit

Blueberries, often regarded as a superfood, have a history that intertwines with both ancient usage…

Micronutrient Index
Kale: The Nutrient-Packed Green
Micronutrient Index
Kale: The Nutrient-Packed Green

Kale, scientifically known as Brassica oleracea var. acephala,  is a leafy green vegetable that has…

Micronutrient Index
Quinoa: The Ancient Super Grain Reborn in Modern Cuisine
Micronutrient Index
Quinoa: The Ancient Super Grain Reborn in Modern Cuisine

Quinoa, an ancient grain originating from the Andean region of South America, has a rich…

Micronutrient Index
The Essential Guide to Salmon Nutrition and Its Health Advantages
Micronutrient Index
The Essential Guide to Salmon Nutrition and Its Health Advantages

Salmon, known for its rich flavor and nutritional value, holds a significant place in various…

Micronutrient Index

Helping you achieve your goals

Transforming your body comes from having a strategic plan, designed individually for your body and your lifestyle. After that, it’s consistency and commitment that creates the results you’re searching for. Most of the time, people make it out to be more complicated than it needs to be…

This is exactly where we come in to provide the solution for your personal breakthrough. We create a completely individualized plan in a simplified way so you can actually stick to it long-term (both training and nutrition). And part of what has made our coaching so successful over the years is that we provide the constant support, education, and accountability that’s needed in order to see real results that actually last.

Proven Track Record of Success


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Countries & 37+ States


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