
Month: February 2019


Understanding Gut Health (How Your Gut Determines Your Health)

by Cody McBroom

We covered probiotics a few weeks ago, which just barely scratched the surface of gut health. Gut health is a pretty broad term and one that is gaining popularity recently...


Getting Your Period Back

by Cody McBroom

This article does not contain medical advice. If you are experiencing symptoms of amenorrhea, please reach out to your health care professional. Amenorrhea is the loss of a regular menstrual...


Eliminating Your Cravings, For Good (5 Simple Strategies)

by Cody McBroom

When fat loss is the goal, cravings can be your worst nightmare… and even when your goal isn’t fat loss, food cravings should not be something you’re constantly battling. These...


Designing The Perfect Workout Finisher

by Cody McBroom

Let’s talk about finishers. First – what exactly IS a finisher? You can’t beat the definition Will Levy gave: “A finisher is an exercise or sequence of exercises that should...


Practical Experiences and Applications Of Intermittent Fasting

by Cody McBroom

Intermittent fasting, time restricted eating, carb fasts, water fasts, 24 hour fasts, multi-day fasts… There is so much talk about fasting these days it’s hard to keep up! We’re going...


21 Rep Schemes To End Training Boredom (And Shock New Muscle Growth)

by Cody McBroom

At some point in your training, the basics just get boring. Let’s face it. 5×5, 4×8, 3×10… all the basic set and rep schemes, they work. But man do they...

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