BOOM BOOM-Fall2018_0360

Q&A – Fitness Guru’s, Leaky Gut, Periodizing Lean Gains, and More…

Episode 283

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Top 4 Episodes:

– Nutritional Periodization

– Nutrition FAQ

– Training FAQ

– My Story


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Show notes

2:55- Which Fitness Gurus / Social Media fitness inspires do you find to be the most objective and consistent?

11:35 – If a stressed out clients goal is weight loss, but it’s only their body fat % going down, would you expect a scale weight drop once they get their stress under control?

14:55 – How would you program 16 months for bulking/gaining for someone on a petite frame who has successfully lost weight/fat and is feeling deflated (skin and bones look) and wants to come out of the 16 months with muscle tone and gain, lean not shredded for 10th anniversary vacation?

23:55- Can you talk more about these photo sessions you have for yourself and your clients. Is this a goal that you suggest for if you don’t want to get on stage?

29:50 – Currently on an Upper/Lower/Push/Pull/Legs split. Looking to start including exercises like hang cleans, high pulls and push presses – how and where would you recommend doing so?

34:15 – How would one go about doing an elimination diet as a vegetarian? Would they have to include fish/meat in order to hit protein requirements? Or should they not worry about hitting specific macros during the elimination and just focus on eating non-reactive foods?

36:54 – Say you have a coaching client who is against the idea of tracking macros or calories, how do you adjust their nutrition in order to keep seeing progress? How do you as a coach measure their daily/weekly intake?

40:55 – How would you heal leaky gut?

43:00 – how do you help your clients understand that eating more helps their body comp change?

46:45 – best advice to grow a fitness business other than great free content?

50:40 – in a deficit right now 5x a week for 6 weeks now and no fat loss. Just keep being patient?

54:20 – how do you prefer to adjust nutrition for pre/menopausal women who weight loss stalled?

56:15 – Of all the books you have read till date which ones would you like to see being adapted into a movie.

Thanks for listening!

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