BOOM BOOM-Fall2018_0360

Q&A: Calorie Partitioning, Combining CrossFit and Bodybuilding, Too Much Protein, and More…

Episode 344

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As Featured on: Huffington Post, Bodybuilding.com, The PTDC, Dr. John Rusin, Muscle For Life, HLHL, iN3, OPEX Fitness and More…

Show notes

8:27 – How do you know what your maintenance macros are? When I started I weighed 127 at 5ft 3in and now I’m 117.5. I’ve been consistent at these macros for most of the 4 months minus a few refeed days. 127C/50F/125P. Thanks for your help!

15:00 – After months of what feels like constant dieting I want to reverse up to maintenance and beyond.  Before I could get up early, workout and stay busy not eating until 12 or 1. Hunger wasn’t really an issue.  Now that I’m eating breakfast much earlier and more food I feel hungry off and on all day much more so then when I was dieting.  Is this normal? Does it mean my metabolism is firing or are my hunger hormones totally jacked up? I just want to make sure I’m headed in the right direction!  Thanks for all You do!

18:42 – What’s the best way to combine both crossfit and bodybuilding, for body composition and gain strength?

23:37 – What advice would you give me as a nutrition coach and personal trainer who wants more education and is struggling to be surrounded by the right people who are just as passionate.

27:10 – Could you express your thoughts on how to implement body building for someone that does Crossfit regularly?

27:55 – Love the podcast content Cody! I am currently in the Built For You program. What are the differences between the Built For You program and the Boom Boom Elite program? Thanks!

32:35 – How much strength training do I need to do per week to maintain the muscle mass I already have?

39:50 – I do stair master/ bike 20-25 min before each workout (circuit based cardio/ intervals) it gets my heart rate up and the sweat going to help me in my workout. If I were to take some of this cardio out and add more lifting would I have to change my calories (Im currently in maintenance).

43:10 – I am a nutrition coach but also am working on tweaking my own nutrition and also want to learn a little more about protein intake requirements. The standard .8-1.0g is usually good for most. Do you ever find athletes, super lean individuals, or other populations that eat more & thrive?

49:50 – When taking Berberine, should dose remain the same on very low carb days? Should dose be the same in a deficit and surplus?

52:25 – Is there a difference in suggested macros for chronic ill people (especially Hashimoto’s disease) – (still working out as much as chronic illness allows. – about 6 times per week for 1h). Some people suggest more protein for healing? More fat for hormonal health? more carbs for adrenal function? What would be your suggestion? Also how would you program training? Some people say strength training is the best. Others think hiit is the best. Thanks so much

57:15 – So I’ve been trying to get more focused and dialed in on content creation and education. Where do you find inspiration for your content? What resources do you look to for education?

Thanks for listening!

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