BOOM BOOM-Fall2018_0360

Q&A – Adjusting NEAT, Adaptive Metabolisms, My Most Fun Times Training, and More..

Episode 261

Key Takeaways


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Show notes

5:10 – Explaining the difference between whey protein isolate and concentrate; Pros and Cons of each.

8:40 – Ways parents can approach talking to their kids about counting macros.

11:20 – Adjusting NEAT throughout a diet or reverse diet.

16:45 – Fiber needs per caloric intake and when fiber can backfire (have opposite effect).

21:57 – What to recommend to a client that continually nose dives off their nutrition on the weekends.

26:42 – Implementing mini-cuts and maintenance phases; when each is appropriate for your goals/timeline.

30:00 – Cardio suggestions (how to program cardio in, effectively)

33:05 – Thoughts on speed work in training programs (i.e. Westside’s dynamic effort method)

42:28 – When a reverse diet DOES NOT work (how to avoid getting fat and understanding how your metabolism works, for the next cut)

47:34 – Compromising hormones via HIIT cardio, while already in a deficit.

50:42 – Supplement timing for optimal absorption

54:14 – Most fun I have ever had during my own training

57:12 – My take on “massage guns” (aka Hypervolts).

58:38 – Essential exercises for long distance runners to prevent injuries and gain speed.

59:50 – What I think about diet templates

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