Sam Miller

Program Design 101 – Sam Miller Interviews Cody McBroom

Episode 236

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DESIGNING A GREAT TRAINING PROGRAM!! We absolutely crushed this podcast and I’m super excited for you to hear it, but even more excited for the seminar Sam Miller and myself will be putting on here in my hometown of Seattle in March.

Today, Sam interviews ME on all things training. This is part 1 of a 3-4 part podcast series where Sam and I will be covering MANY coaching topics to display just what will go on at the seminar we’re holding.

For more info and a direct link to claim your seat (limited spots) at our seminar on March 23rd here in Seattle, email [email protected] with the subject line “Coaching Seminar” and we’ll provide you with the details.

Check out Sam on instagram @sammillerscience and myself @cody.boomboom

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Show notes

12:12 – What a quality-training program is to Cody

15:12 – Breakdown the considerations and the evolution in Cody’s career from Programing online verses in person.

23:24 – Managing Volume, Intensity, and Frequency inside your programming.

31:59 – Programming to prevent injuries

34:09 – The layers, considerations, and variables that go into a program that differentiate an okay, good, and great program.

41:14 – Being Strategic about your exercise selection and exercise selection.

46:16 – Adaptations inside programming and how to adjust as they occur.

51:42 – Why putting HIIT at the end of a session is a good Idea.

56:34 – How grips, positions, and joint angles can make a substantial difference in your training.

58:59 – Programming to keep recovery as optimal as possible.

1:05:35 – You Are Dinner Table With 3 Empty Seats, You Can Pick 3 People To Sit With You, Dead Or Alive, Who Would You Pick?

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