
Nutrition For Athletes, The Best 5-Day Splits, and More…

Episode 386

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As Featured on: Huffington Post, Bodybuilding.com, The PTDC, Dr. John Rusin, Muscle For Life, HLHL, iN3, OPEX Fitness and More…

Show notes

3:55 – My shoulders click A lot. Mostly when I lift them over my head. Happens a lot when I’m lifting or  doing push-ups and even when I’m just doing everyday activities. It does not cause any pain, it’s just gross and annoying (it’s loud enough for people working out next to me to hear). Any ideas as to why this happens or what I can do to stop it.?

10:00 – I’m currently ready for an 8-10 week fat loss phase and have been at maintenance (eating 1850-2150 calories) for the last 4 months. During this time my split was two upper three lower days and am currently doing no cardio. I’m wondering how many calories you would suggest I cut to start if my goal is only to lose about 5 lbs. My new workout split will be 2 upper, 2 lower, 1 HIIT, and 1 LISS day.

21:50 – I just listened to your podcast #372 about how stress impacts the body and it really hit home. I began dieting and working out about 3 years ago for weight loss. What started out as healthy balanced eating gradually turned into increasing restriction and cutting which eventually led to eating about 1200 calories a day for an extended period of time. I also increased the amount of time working out. Eventually I started half marathon training and increased calories some but was still sticking to an extremely high protein low carb low fat diet. For about 5 months recently I began eating more “normal”. However it wasn’t super consistent and mostly consisted of a lot of cutting for a few days and then a lot of eating. During that time I gained about 15 or so pounds back(I initially lost 40 pounds) and now cannot lose it no matter what I do. I am currently consuming max 1600 calories a day and counting macros. 140P 160C 44F. I run distance(5-8 miles) several days a week and also do Orange theory fitness. I’m concerned the inability to lose weight comes from too much cardio and three years of a caloric deficit. Do you have any ideas?

37:00 – Hey Cody, really looking to get your take on what 5-day split i can do for my workouts. I’m looking to build strength and get some overall good conditioning, as well as build muscle. I was thinking about doing a 3-day strength/conditioning program along with a 2-day accessory program. Thoughts?

42:05 – What should nutrition for college athletes during intense training periods look like?

45:50 – Is nutrient timing important for recovery or is overall calorie consumption and macronutrient intake what matters? If nutrient timing is important, should I eat carbs before bed if my intense conditioning session is first thing in the morning?

48:20 – Lastly, if I am wanting to stay lean while gaining size, what should my calories look like?

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