
Influencers To Follow, Collagen, Daily Weigh In’s, and More…

Episode 378

Today is LITERALLY a jam packed episode… we did it rapid fire style and answers A TON of questions!

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– Nutrition FAQ

– Training FAQ

– My Story


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As Featured on: Huffington Post, Bodybuilding.com, The PTDC, Dr. John Rusin, Muscle For Life, HLHL, iN3, OPEX Fitness and More…

Show notes


18:40 – If you weigh yourself daily what is an acceptable fluctuation of your weekly average in maintenance?

21:00 – Thoughts on workout structure when writing your own training program?

27:02 – You posted a while back that collagen could be counted as calories but not necessarily for protein – just wondering if you could expand on that?! Thank you for all you do and share! You are so amazing! LOVE your podcast!

29:50 – If you want to switch out some HIIT cardio in place of steady state cardio, about how much would be equal the other?

33:30 – How to know if you are following the right fitness pages/influencers. What to look for?

40:45 – I did a bodybuilding comp (female bikini) in summer. Now my goal is to build back up my running and endurance. How can I still continue to maintain strength while focusing more on conditioning and aerobic performance, as well?

42:50 – Ingredients and dosages for the perfect make-your-own pre-workout/intra workout drink? To save money!

45:00 – Favorite cheat meal ever?

49:05 – When getting a new coach, what should a client ask?

53:45 – What do you see BBP in 3 years?

58:12 – Do you need a post workout meal?

58:29 – Better Episode. Kenny Rogers Roasters or Pirate Shirt?

59:15 – What are your thoughts on bro splits?

1:00:20 – Suggestions of Courses to become a coach?

1:01:45  – In firefighting training and not recovering. Subs for strength?

1:01:59 – What do you have clients do when stress leads to cravings or over eating?

1:02:23 – Just started working out for the first time ever. How long will it take to start seeing a difference?

1:03:02 –

1:04:10 – Have a work project coming up that is 60 hours a week for 5 weeks. How to adjust training?

1:04:52 – Intermittent fasting when training hard in the morning with Crossfit?

1:05:01 – When you went skinny fat, how did you fix it?

Thanks for listening!

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