BOOM BOOM-Fall2018_0360

Black Friday Q&A! Influential Books, Best Booty Builders, & More + What We’re Giving You Today

Episode 221

Key Takeaways


Blog - Navigating Through The Holidays (Realistic Health Outcomes) - http://tailoredcoachingmethod.com/holiday-diet/


The Go Giver (Book) - https://amzn.to/2FRVz5S

The One Thing (Book) - https://amzn.to/3a6WOMd


The Leader Who Had No Title (Book) - https://amzn.to/2Nt8WgO


(Black Friday Coupon Code – BOOMFRIDAY)

Questions in the show:

  • What are the 3 most influential books that you have read (if you had to pick only 3)?
  • Good glute exercises besides hip thrust and glute bridge.
  • “I was powerlifting for almost two years and stopped due to a toxic relationship. It’s been about 8 months and I’ve lost all my muscle tone and have only been running since. I’m starting crossfit, although my old coach doesn’t suggest it due to the amount of injuries. Any help with getting back into the game and back to where I was and beyond with my health and strength would be great! It’s scary being the newbie when I used to be someone others looked up to. Thank you for your podcast, it’s made a huge impact on my life!”
  • My best practices to get clients to stop seeing the scale as their only measure of success.
  • What’s my journaling process. What do I write down? When do I write it down? Every day? Every week? Difference? What do I recommend to start with? What do I think gets me the most benefit ?
  • My thoughts on the claim that meal timing and eating later at night, increases the cause of prostate and breast cancer.


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Social Links:

Blog – www.boomboomperformance.com

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/boomboomperformance/

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cody.boomboom/

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/BoomBoomPerformance

Email – [email protected]

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