
[Daily Dose] Cultivate Your Power Tribe.

January 22, 2022
Written by Cody McBroom

2 Min Read

Cultivate Your Power Tribe.

I’m really struggling to find the words for this daily dose…

I truly fucking love these individuals and the pride I feel knowing I’m the leader of this group is overwhelming, to say the least.

So it’s hard to find the words.

We live across the country and around the world, literally…

Yet when we meet in person you would think we’re all best friends or family (in our minds, we are).

The energy, passion, and encouragement that is in the room when we’re all together is INSANE.

We define it as an Elite Environment.

A circle of people who breathe “Rare Air” — we live every day of our lives working hard to be better in every single way we can. It’s a mentality that not many have and when you surround yourself with it, you become it.

We connected.
We shared stories.
We created a creed; our own moral code.
We have our core values listed.
We leveled up our coaching systems.
We set challenges for each other.

We did so damn much in just 3 days, it’s hard to fathom the impact that will be created from this…

But one major lesson I keep thinking about, that I know YOU can learn from, is the answer to a question I’ve received from the 1st Phorm guys, people watching us grow, and even my team:

“How’d you cultivate this group? How’d you find the right individuals to create this team?”

My answer was simple…

I didn’t.

I lived my life at a higher standard and I spoke from my heart, every single fucking day.

I lived by my code and these people felt the need to join me.

And as we grow, others will come into our circle because they feel it, resonate with it, and can’t help but desire to be a part of it.

The inner circle you create is based on how YOU show up as an individual.


So how do you create a powerful tribe and an environment built for success?

You become the person you NEED TO BE to live the life and achieve the things you want.

The tribe will cultivate itself, because your energy will become contagious.

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Our clients are 95% more likely to reach their goals than people attempting to do so on their own!

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