My name is Kyle Johnson, and I was born and raised in Des Moines, Washington. From a young age, I played every sport my parents would let me, spending countless hours outside until they finally called me in for dinner. That love for movement and competition has never left me.
As a teenager and young adult, I was so active that nutrition was simply an afterthought—whatever was in the pantry or freezer was good enough. But when my sports days ended, the number on the scale slowly started creeping up. At first, I convinced myself it was all muscle. Eventually, I stopped weighing myself altogether, packed the scale away, and ignored the reality of what was happening. Years passed, my clothes no longer fit, and instead of addressing the issue, I just bought new ones and told myself it was normal.
Everything changed when I listened to an episode of The Tailored Life Podcast (now Choose Hard Podcast), where Cody outlined red flags to watch for when hiring a coach. It felt like he was speaking directly to me. After going through what felt like the five stages of grief, I finally decided to take action. I hired TCM, lost over 40 pounds, and never looked back.
I first became a coach while finishing college, thinking it would be a great part-time job—especially since it meant a free gym membership as a broke student. Strength training had been a part of my life since I was 13, but I never expected to fall in love with helping others achieve their goals. It may sound cliché, but once you get to know me, you’ll understand just how much I mean it: guiding others toward greatness is the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done, and I can’t imagine doing anything else.
Looking back, I realize why coaching resonates with me so much. Even as an athlete, my greatest joy wasn’t my own accomplishments—it was cheering on my teammates and celebrating their success. I believe that’s why I love coaching. Sharing the journey, embracing the ups and downs, and knowing that someone is in your corner makes all the difference. That moment when a client realizes, I can do this—that’s what I live for.
One of my most memorable coaching experiences was working with an incredible woman named Karen. Concerned about her family history of colon cancer, she knew she needed to make a lifestyle change. Over seven months, she lost 50 pounds, improved her blood work dramatically, and transformed her health. Two years later, she’s still 40 pounds down—but now, she’s also gained muscle. Karen’s journey was about so much more than fat loss; it was about thriving, and she’ll always hold a special place in my heart.
Outside of coaching, I have a personal tradition that started in 2020. Each summer, I challenge myself to try something new—something I never would have done in the past. In 2020, I dyed my hair blonde. In 2021, I grew a mustache. In 2022, I let my hair grow out for two years so I could donate it to Wigs 4 Kids. And in 2024, I got my ears pierced. As for what’s next? I haven’t decided—so if you have any suggestions, I’m all ears!