
Month: December 2017


Biofeedback (The Most Important Metrics You’re Not Tracking)

by Cody McBroom

“Biofeedback…? What exactly is that and why should I care about it?” Biofeedback – a process whereby electronic monitoring of a normally automatic bodily function is used to train someone...


The Most Avoided, Neglected, and NEEDED Concept of Training & Nutrition

by Cody McBroom

Recovery… The least sexy topic in the industry? The most misunderstood topic in the industry? Or the missing key to results that 75% of people are neglecting? How about all...


Being Real About CrossFit – The Good and The Bad

by Cody McBroom

For the past 6 months, I’ve been infatuated with CrossFit. And when I say CrossFit, I specifically mean the CrossFit games and the competitive world of CrossFit in general. See...


My Interview on – ‘The Easy Wins Healthy Lifestyle Podcast’

by Cody McBroom

When we talk about “Easy Wins” and “Healthy Lifestyle”... We need to discuss routines and habits, above all else. And that’s exactly what we did on the Easy Win’s Healthy...

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