
Month: October 2016


Intermittent Fasting – Everything You NEED To Know

by Cody McBroom

Intermittent Fasting… Talk about a dietary can of worms! Typical bodybuilders and “Meat Heads” hate it and every hipster in the gym swears by it. If you don’t already know...


High Carb vs. Low Carb… Which one is better?

by Cody McBroom

Seems that in today’s society, specifically the dieting world, you need to be in part of a “diet” (or “food cult”) in order to see results. You know exactly what...


Why You Can’t Keep The Weight Off

by Cody McBroom

“Weight regain is generally the rule, with long-term follow up studies indicating that one-third to two-thirds of the weight lost is regained within 1 year and almost all is regained...

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